I was having a conversation with a close friend who works in a public Kindergarten across the country. She told me about how as a first year teacher, she felt unsupported and overwhelmed by her administration and the lack of support. She asked me how my school was and I told her that at my school we have an incredible, abundant amount of support at every turn by every member of our leadership team. Whether it be advice on how to handle the emotions associated with very big transitions or even assistance with a friend who’s sad, I have the full confidence that my leadership team is there to support me and everyone else at my school! They give useful feedback and will even go as far as to come in and help you with finding more effective solutions to the more difficult situations. It truly feels like a partnership and I feel like I can be the best teacher that I can be with them! I am so incredibly blessed to work with such a team that cares, and I feel even more grateful when I hear that a supportive team like this does not always exist. I have been able to step into my own and really blossom as an educator when I came to Primrose. It truly is the best place for early education for not just the kids but teachers too. I think public schools like my friend’s school can learn a thing or two from my school and my amazing leadership team!